HOYER Service Portal
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Terms of Use

The following terms of use apply to the website www.hoyer-service.com and the associated services. These general terms of use may be supplemented, modified or replaced by additional terms in individual cases. By starting to use the website, you accept the validity of these terms of use in their current version.

The website www.hoyer-service.com is operated by HOYER Handel GmbH, Kühnehöfe 12, D-22761 Hamburg.

Copyright and other intellectual property rights

The content of the website www.hoyer-service.com, in particular web pages, programs, graphics, images, sound, video, scripts and texts as well as their arrangement on the websites are protected by copyright and other protective laws.


Unless otherwise stated, all trademarks on this website are protected by trademark law in favor of HOYER Handel GmbH or one of its licensors. This applies in particular to brands, logos and emblems.

No license

Without the written permission of HOYER Handel GmbH or the respective licensor, no license or other right to use the content presented on the website www.hoyer-service.com is granted, either expressly, implicitly or in any other way. Any misuse of the content is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted by HOYER Handel GmbH under civil and criminal law.

User behavior

As a user of the website www.hoyer-service.com, you are prohibited from using this website (I) causing harm to persons, especially minors, or violating their personal rights, (II) violating common decency with your usage behavior, (III) sending or otherwise making available libelous, defamatory, obscene, offensive, pornographic, content that glorifies violence or violates privacy, (IV) violating industrial property rights and copyrights or other property rights and advertising goods or services or soliciting monetary funds via these websites.

User activities aimed at making this website unusable or at least making its use more difficult are prohibited and may be prosecuted under civil and criminal law.

Users may not use the website www.hoyer-service.com for illegal purposes. In particular, it is prohibited to send messages to HOYER Handel GmbH on behalf of third parties using the contact forms provided. HOYER Handel GmbH may block access to the website www.hoyer-service.com at any time, in particular if the user violates his or her obligations under these terms and conditions.

contact form

The user is obliged to provide truthful information when sending a message via the contact form and to comply with the above provisions on user behavior. He will inform HOYER Handel GmbH of any subsequent changes immediately. When sending file attachments, the user must ensure that they are free of viruses and/or similar malware.

Furthermore, the user must ensure that the information transmitted does not contain, in particular, the following personal data: ethnic origin, political, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health and sexual orientation.


The user is responsible for his/her own conduct in connection with the website www.hoyer-service.com.
HOYER Handel GmbH will regularly maintain and service this website. However, HOYER Handel cannot guarantee the constant availability of the website or the correctness of the information it contains. HOYER Handel GmbH is liable for intent and gross negligence. HOYER Handel is also liable for the negligent breach of obligations, the fulfillment of which enables the proper execution of the contract in the first place, the breach of which endangers the achievement of the purpose of the contract and on whose compliance you, the user, regularly rely. In the latter case, however, HOYER Handel is only liable for foreseeable, contract-typical damage. HOYER Handel is not liable for the slightly negligent breach of obligations other than those mentioned in the preceding sentences. The above exclusions of liability do not apply in the event of injury to life, body or health. Data communication via the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be error-free and/or available at all times given the current state of technology. HOYER Handel GmbH is therefore not liable for the constant or uninterrupted availability of the website. The strict liability of HOYER Handel GmbH – in particular statutory warranty liability – remains unaffected by the above limitations of liability.

Links/third-party content

The website contains links to other websites. These are provided solely as a service to users. If you use such a link, you will leave the website www.hoyer-service.com. The use of the links is at your own risk. HOYER Handel GmbH cannot check all websites of other companies and has no influence on their respective content. HOYER Handel GmbH therefore accepts no responsibility for their content and does not adopt it as its own.

Changes / Improvements

HOYER Handel GmbH reserves the right to change these terms of use as well as the content and structure of the website www.hoyer-service.com at any time.

© HOYER Handel GmbH 2024